Healthcare and Insurance Providers

Incentivize healthcare and insurance customers to be physically active through Bitcoin incentives. sMiles for Healthcare is the turnkey solution for driving measurable health improvements for policyholders.
Partners working with sMiles
Emergency DentistryVenetian DentalSiesta Dental

Massive health benefits of doing more daily steps.

A 1,000 step increment, decreases 15% in all-cause mortality.
Data from 2023 study with 226,889 participants.


Massive health benefits of doing more daily steps.


Average hospitalization cost:

Create a Win-Win.

Healthier clients, less insurance claims, through steps rewards.

Healthcare is most efficient when there is a proactive focus on physical activity. There is scientific consensus on the tremendous health benefits of simply walking 30 minutes a day. It greatly reduces the most common medical conditions, including stroke risk, heart disease, sleep apnea, hypertension, and many others.

sMiles enables healthcare providers to improve their business models, and directly incentivize their customers to walk and be physically active. It's a win-win when insurances reduce claim costs, while healthcare customers improve their health.

sMiles incentivizes customers to be healthy, by paying them small amounts of Bitcoin. The sMiles Lightning Backend handles all of the heavy load, including securing user data, validating user movements, and sending Bitcoin rewards to users for completing step goals or streaks.

Incentives for Walking

The most fundamental way to get healthy is to increase customer step count. Every additional 1,000 steps fundamentally improve core health metrics. Through gamification and Bitcoin users are motivated to walk more and achieve continuous step goals.

Reduced Customer Claims

Recent research shows that there is a direct link between step count and reduced risks of significant injury. It's vital to improve customer health, which quickly translates into reduced customer claims, and other costs to healthcare providers.

Fast Integration
for Healthcare Apps and Providers

sMiles provides direct support to healthcare providers, enabling direct integrations with existing mobile and web apps, while using new or existing user databases. Data privacy and user permissions are integrated, ensuring the security of rewards and customer data.

Exciting Ways to Deliver a Better Healthcare Experience

1. Bitcoin rewards based on steps, streak goals, and general physical activity
2. Run health challenges and competitions
3. Notifications and email campaigns with customized incentives, based on customer profiles

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